New Zealand Red Antler Velvet – Ultimate Chemical Factory

Health experts have been intrigued with the emergence of supplements involving red antler velvet extract. This substance has been in existence with a 2,000-year Oriental tradition. Not only Asian deer, but also European deer and humans are sharing a special relationship in the recent times. This special bon between deer and human has come to a happy ending, considering the health benefits that human get from these amazing animals.

New Zealand Deer

It is said by many experts and professionals that the New Zealand deer is the absolute source of premium red antler velvet extract. The success of this phenomenon entirely depends on the habitat and diet of New Zealand red deer. Trained farmers and certified veterinarians also assist during the harvest of such premium substances, assuring the highest-grade of deer antlers extract for human consumption.

The antlers of the male are harvested prior to their calcification into bones. These substances are commonly referred to as “velvet”, a soft-like covering of the deer antlers. Hence, biologists had special interests towards these compounds, considering deer antlers as the only mammalian organ that is highly capable of regenerating itself every year. The harvest of red antler velvet is carried out mostly during the spring season, ensuring that the antlers are in their best stage prior to processing and supplement formulation.

Absolute Chemical Factory

Clinical studies and other research works claim that the red antler velvet extract if the absolute chemical factory among other substances. Deer antlers contain high amounts of proteins, collagen, and calcium carbonate, and calcium phosphate, amino acids, including androgen and estrogen levels. This mammalian product is also composed of chondroitin, a sulfate that is highly responsible for the joint lubrication along with anti-inflammatory effects.

Furthermore, red antler velvet extract contains gangliosides for improving the functions of the memory. It is likewise packed with phosphate choline that can assist in the regulation of blood and sugar levels within the human body. Thus, deer antlers contain essential growth factor hormones such as Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 and 2 (IGF-1 and 2) for the increase in bone density, muscle growth, and regeneration of injured cells and tissues.

Professional Claims

Clinical studies have been conducted consistently, figuring out on the true effects of deer antlers extract to humans. There are many findings and results through these comprehensive research works involving the potentials of red antler velvet supplements. Among the studies include some Asian and Russian findings that deer antlers are capable of:

  • Increasing the hemoglobin counts

  • Increasing the levels of the red blood cells

  • Improving muscle tone while increasing lean muscle mass

  • Enhancing the strength of uterine contractions

  • Improving the overall blood circulation

  • Treating the causes of anemia and results of benzene poisoning

  • Healing patients with chronic circulatory disorders

  • Treating weak kidneys

Apparently, you can take advantage of these claimed health benefits from AntlerX. It is the ultimate deer antler supplement that contains the highest level of genuine, premium deer antlers extract apart from the various food supplements. It has the most powerful, safest, and most effective formulation, providing natural nutrients needed by the body. AntlerX can deliver many promises, considering red antler velvet extract from New Zealand deer. Find out how AntlerX can deliver its promises by simply visiting

Author : Sarah Curiel